Greek Mythology in Modern Society
The elements of Greek Mythology in Modern Society, among all the brilliant stars in the universe of world mythology,
are most familiar to students,
and the Greek and later the Roman personages are the bases for the allusions most often identified by students of literature.
The stories of ancient peoples, their mythology, served as explanations for the forces of nature—how and why they existed and operated—but they were also a guide for how people should live their lives in everyday circumstances, in the spiritual arena, and in the world of entertainment.
In all of his works, Joseph Campbell tells us that the myths are really the stories of mankind, then and now,
Greek mythology in modern society carried from the symbolic experience to the actual world of our lives as we live them out today.
Edith Hamilton in Mythology adds that we can “retrace the path from civilized man who lives so far from nature,
to man who lived in close companionship with nature” (3). Because a modern existence excludes us from living this deep symbolic life,
close to nature, the path to a deeper understanding of humanity in all its triumphs and failures must therefore come about through the study
of mythology, the symbols and archetypal motifs. The added bonus is familiarity with Greek mythology allusions to the people, places,
and events in particular that often are referenced in literature.
This foundation, therefore, serves as a valuable tool to help unlock the deeper meanings implied by the author.