Constructing meaning through writing evolves from the individual experiences of practice with the knowledge gained
about form and structure, and also the various devices that aid in communicating information, ideas and emotions.
One achieves the ability to write clearly and effectively in basically two ways: by gaining the tools for putting words together
to express intended thoughts and by encouraging the synthesis of ideas through reading a wide range of genres.
As always, audience and purpose determine the mode of writing that will be used, and frequent practice of the steps in the writing process
generates growth in writing:
prewriting, writing, editing, and proofreading.
Free Writing
Free writing in a journal with little or no structure intended keeps the writing juices flowing, but little actual improvement in writing skills actually occurs. Since the writer is usually expounding on whatever is on her mind at the time, the focus precludes a serious attempt to communicate clearly with an audience. The writer is the audience in free writing. Is free writing a waste of time then? My answer would be that any kind of writing is time well spent because something useful can be gleaned from it: a new idea, a solution, new consciousness about an idea, for how do I know what I think until I see what I say?
Writing Prompts
Creative Writing
- An interpretation of a famous quotation
- A funny or serious look at technology
- What money means to you
- Things that should be crystal clear but are not
- Being invisible for a day and the things you might do
- A discussion between you and a famous world leader, entertainer, athlete
- Life on the moon or another planet
- The humorous and serious side of being a woman and also President of the country
- The ideal school/job/vacation/friend/boss
- Colors and the impact on our lives
Narrative Writing
- A life-changing event
- A paradigm shift
- A love story
- An adventure story
- The loss of a friend or loved one
- A job that went all wrong
- A surprise
- Meeting a new friend
- A story of betrayal
- A mix up
Persuasive Writing
- Universal health care
- Volunteering
- Online text books
- Nutrition and exercise
- Environment/recycling
- Care for the poor and the elderly
- Animal rights
- Year round schools
- Alternative fuels
- Shorter work week/longer vacations/slower pace of life
Expository: Define
- Love
- Freedom
- Grief
- Success
- Wealth
- Friendship
- Fear
- Home
- Power
- Equality
- A peaceful paradise
- Chaos
- A humorous incident
- A busy market in another country
- Getting lost
- A tragic event
- A dangerous mission
- A time of bonding with a friend
- A moment with a special person, a memory made
- A celebration
Literary Response
- Antithesis, illustrating the tension of opposites
- Figurative language, the effect on writing
- Symbolism and archetypal motifs
- Allegory, the other level of a story
- The historical influence on a story
- Irony in any of its three forms
- Allusions that significantly affect an element of the story
- Theme and its contributors
- Psychology: id, ego, and super ego in characterization
Structured Writing
Knowing the audience and purpose for a piece of writing determines the approach a writer will take in the construction of any piece. Students soon learn that school type writing has an underlying skeletal structure that is often intentionally rigid for the purpose of learning organization and clarity. Professional writing, i.e., newspapers; magazines; journals; online journalism, takes greater liberties with structure because it is usually written by professionals who have mastered the skills of communication. Having said as much, this website is devoted to student writers and growth in the language arts.
Learning to write a basic five-paragraph essay will not guarantee instant success,
but it does offer students a basic method of communicating clearly. Once this structure is set, the writer can return to the document to work
on more effective sentence structure and diction.
In my book Dance of Language, Chapter 5 includes a detailed explanation.